Untapped: A Night of Drag and Burly-Q

Monkey House Main St, Winooski, VT

Green Mountain Cabarets' monthly Drag and Burlesque show is back for September. This month join us on SATURDAY, Sept 9th to relish in the festivities, community, and entertainment during Pride Week! Event Link: http://greenmountaincabaret.com/gmnc-shows/2023/9/9/untapped

Untapped: A Night of Drag & BurlyQ

Monkey House Main St, Winooski, VT

Join us for our June PRIDE MONTH edition of Untapped at The Monkey House in Winooski!! Hosted by local favorite Vera Wylde! performances by Jasper Kinetic Miss Czechlosovakia Innocent Ivy/Porter Starboard Prince Muffin Domini'que Anjou Sasha Sriracha doors at 7:30pm show at 8pm $15 at the door 18+ be there early to save your seats!! […]

Untapped: A Night of Burlesque & Drag

Monkey House Main St, Winooski, VT

Join us for a special Pride edition of Untapped this September! Doors 7:30pm Show 8:00pm $12 cover