Momentum is a network of LGBTQ+ Vermonters working to create opportunities for a vibrant, diverse, safe, and joyful community of adults over the age of 55. While the Momentum program and events are open to people of all ages, they are designed to address the specific needs of Vermont’s LGBTQ+ aging population.

Momentum’s Neighbor to Neighbor Project connects LGBTQ+ Vermonters over 55 years of age with volunteer peers providing need-based support services that aid with various tasks to address isolation, food security, access to healthcare, and community networking.


Momentum’s Regular Programs & Events


 Monthly Steering Committee Meetings: 6:00pm, 2nd Wednesday of every Month. Help steer the events, advocacy, and activities for Momentum. Momentum is a network of LGBTQ+ folks who want to ensure that Vermont is a vibrant, diverse, fun community for adults over 55. Steering Committee meetings are still held virtually through zoom. Zoom links are shared in the Facebook Group page or you can email for more information.


Coffee and Conversation:  (see events calendar listing for details) Come share your friendship over coffee (or tea), free your mind, ease your stress, and soak up the positive mood! Coffee and Convo event locations change regularly so be on the look out for the next event in or near your town!

Game Nights: (see events calendar listing for details) Join us during one of our game nights! Game Nights will be hosted at the Pride Center of VT location. Come play boardgames or card games and socialize! It’s just a simple fun night out 

Chat and Chew:  (see calendar listing for details) Missing those dinner parties with friends? Looking to socialize with other people? Join us for Chat and Chew, an opportunity to share stories and supper with other community members. Grab dinner with us and settle in for an evening of engaging conversation!


 Neighbor to Neighbor Program: Momentum, an LGBTQ+ oriented support group for folks age 40 and up, brought to you by the Pride Center of Vermont, PCVT, is seeking reliable and ready volunteers to help service Vermont’s adult LGBTQ+ population, through a new community assistance opportunity, Neighbor to Neighbor. This community outreach program connects LGBTQ+ Vermonters over 55 years of age through need-based support services that aid with various tasks so as to avoid travel to communal spaces.


 As we all know, the COVID-19 pandemic has left many vulnerable populations seeking assistance and services to help navigate through what was once considered everyday activities, such as grocery shopping, picking up medications, yard work, etc.


 Momentum (a Pride Center of Vermont program) established the Neighbor to Neighbor program with the goal to reunite community members during this time of great separation and to assist those in need of safer solutions throughout their day. 


> Sign up to participate in the Neighbor to Neighbor Program (for those who would like to receive services) CLICK HERE

 > Sign up to Volunteer for the Neighbor to Neighbor Program (for those who would like to offer services) CLICK HERE

Contact Momentum with questions or sign up for our mailing list!

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