Pondering Gender and Sexuality is a twice-monthly facilitated mutual support group for folks of any identity (whether fully formed or a work in progress) who want to engage in meaningful conversations about gender, sexuality and sexual orientation, and/or the coming out process. Discussions can range from the personal to the philosophical and beyond as we work together to create a compassionate, safe and courageous space to explore our experiences.
Pride Partners, formerly Partners of Trans People, is a group for partners of trans & GNC people who would like support regarding their partner’s transition and develop ways to best to be there for them while still being able to process what comes up for them. The group meets on the second Monday of the […]
In response to ongoing anti-trans stickers and other graffiti, community members have organized a weekly morning walk in the New North End neighborhood of Burlington to remove stickers, connect as a community, and affirm trans lives. More info here: https://fb.me/e/33pPCXrfx
Weekly virtual AA meeting for the LGBTQ+ community. Tuesdays at 7pm; please connect 10 minutes before the meeting time to confirm your technology is working correctly. Meets Tuesday at 7 pm via Zoom: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84213110572?pwd=R3BDb0VZSExwdEF4a3FGTjROVkYyUT09 or call: (929) 205-6099 Meeting ID: 842 1311 0572 Passcode: 260 532
As trans, non-binary & GNC people in the world, we experience many things that are unique to our identities. For that reason, the Transgender Program hosts a support group for our community on the first and third Wednesday of every month from 6:00-7:30pm on Zoom. First Wednesday groups are held ONLINE with ZOOM, and third […]
Join the Winooski Library once a month for a LGBTQ+ book club for adult readers (18+). This book club is a queer-centered space dedicated to reading books across a variety of genres featuring LGBTQ+ characters and/or that are written by LGBTQ+ authors. Our first meeting will take place on November 15th at 6:30 PM at […]
Join "OUT in the 802" (Formerly VGSA) and our friends for our recurring Pop Up Happy Hour event on the 1st and the 3rd Thursdays of every month! Hours are 5:30pm to 7:00pm we’ll be gathering at Burlington’s hottest speakeasy - "Lincoln"! Lincoln has no signage or official address. If you haven’t been there— it’s […]
Burlington's Not a Glum Lot We are a meeting based on AA's twelve steps and traditions. Anyone suffering from Substance Use Disorder, i.e. alcoholism, drug addiction of any kind is welcome. This is for those who wish to get and stay sober using AA's twelve steps and traditions. 6pm, Fridays at Pride Center of Vermont […]
FREE PET CARE CLINIC FOR PETS OF PEOPLE EXPERIENCING, OR AT RISK OF, HOMELESSNESS Services Offered ● Physical exams, vaccinations, flea/tick prevention, spay/neuter vouchers, pet supplies, and more. ● Check in is first come, first serve. ● Services offered while supplies last and time allows. ● Limited to two pets per person/family. ● Dogs should […]
Comcast-Montpelier Channel 15 ORCA Public Access LGBTQ news and interviews and discussion of LGBTQ issues Saturday: 8 pm Tuesday: 1 pm Friday: 10 am Or, it can be streamed on-line at: https://www.orcamedia.net/series/all-things-lgbtq