Trans Cafe
Pride Center of Vermont 255 South Champlain St, Suite 12, BurlingtonTuesdays and Thursdays. 10am-1pm we'll have 'Trans Cafe' - grab a warm drink, a snack and a comfy spot to hang out and relax. Stay for 'Trans Lounge' in the […]
Tuesdays and Thursdays. 10am-1pm we'll have 'Trans Cafe' - grab a warm drink, a snack and a comfy spot to hang out and relax. Stay for 'Trans Lounge' in the […]
Tuesdays and Thursdays. 10am-1pm we'll have 'Trans Cafe' - grab a warm drink, a snack and a comfy spot to hang out and relax. Stay for 'Trans Lounge' in the […]
This class is designed as a space for members of the LGBTQIA2S+ community and allies to gather and move together in the spirit of queer liberation. Expect to link breath […]
We are people with adult loved ones who are transgender or gender-nonconforming. We meet on the second Thursday of each month to support each other and to learn more about […]
5:30-7pm FREE VAX & STI TESTING AT PRIDE CENTER OF VERMONT. WALK-IN, no appointment required. 1st come 1st served. testing provided by UVM med center
6-8pm Earth & Salt adult bouTique private shopping event exclusively for trans folks - 47 Maple Street, Burlington (right around the corner from PCVT). Get 15% off your purchase
Weekly virtual AA meeting for the LGBTQ+ community. Tuesdays at 7pm; please connect 10 minutes before the meeting time to confirm your technology is working correctly. Meets Tuesday at 7 […]