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TJDF Shake The Cabin Fever Winter Fundraiser

March 1 @ 7:00 pm - 8:30 pm

About The Lavender Scare

The Red Scare bled into the Lavender Scare during the mid-20th century in America. The Lavender Scare was the forced dismissal and resignation of thousands of workers from the federal workforce due to their sexual orientation. The heightened tensions of communism possibly infiltrating the federal government overshadowed the important event for American citizens who were dismissed and ostracized based on their appearance, mannerisms, and sexual preference. This scare swept the nation but is seldom spoken of in American history. The Lavender Scare was the beginning snowball effect that led to the Civil Rights movement for the LGBTQIA+ community. NSquared brings light to this event, giving voices to those who could not speak for their jobs and life.

NSquared Dance is a professional dance company founded in 2014 by Artistic Directors Nick Neagle & Zackery Betty. NSquared Dance seeks to positively impact lives through dance by providing high quality performances to the public. Originated out of New York City, NSquared is now Manchester, New Hampshire’s premiere contemporary dance company. Since 2014 NSquared Dance has created over 15 works toured throughout the United States. The company has produced three split-bill shows in NYC and two full company tours to Portland, Maine. The company has been featured in festivals in Seattle, Philadelphia, Detroit, Baltimore, Boston, Pittsburgh, and of course Manchester, NH. NSquared Dance is to provide the Northern part of New England with the contemporary dance experience, providing new outlets to visualize dance in the community.

Dress up in lavender colored clothing or come as you are; raffles, drinks, cookies in BOH lobby. Thank you for supporting The Junction Dance Festival.


**This is not a Pride Center of Vermont sponsored event.


The Briggs Opera House
5 South Main Street
Hartford, VT United States
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