Did you know that:
- 33% of the LGBT population smokes and that is 68% higher than the rest of the population?! [http://www.lgbthealthlink.org/Assets/U/documents/smokinglgbt.pdf]
- Vermont received a “C” on HealthLink’s Tobacco Report Cards Survey, meaning, we still have a lot of work to do if we hope to have an impact on stopping smoking here in VT. [http://www.lgbthealthlink.org/Assets/U/documents/smokinglgbt.pdf]
- Vermonters aged 26 and older rank first nationally for prevalence of past month marijuana use (9%) and third for past month illicit drug use other than marijuana (3%). (VDH rpt.)
- Among young adults 18 to 25, national data place Vermont as having the highest or one of the five highest past monthprevalence of the following: alcohol use (74%), binge drinking (51%), marijuana use (33%), and illicit drug use other than marijuana 11%) (VDH rpt.)
- Fewer than half of 18-24 year old lesbian and gay women have ever had a pap test, compared with two-thirds of heterosexual women in that age group. (http://www.huffingtonpost.com/nathan-m-schaefer/march-is-lgbt-health-mont_b_4911378.html)
- MSM account for nearly half of all people living with HIV in the United States, while only making up approximately 2% of the general population (CDC 2010). (http://www.lgbthealtheducation.org/wp-content/uploads/12 054_LGBTHealtharticle_v3_07-09-12.pdf, Accessed 12/12/14)
- Several studies have also suggested higher rates of depression, anxiety, and suicidal ideation among gay, lesbian, and bisexual individuals (Ruble 2008).(http://www.lgbthealtheducation.org/wp-content/uploads/12-054_LGBTHealtharticle_v3_07-09-12.pdf Accessed 12/12/14)
- Lesbian and bisexual woman were about twice as likely as straight women to report smoking and binge drinking. (http://mchb.hrsa.gov/whusa11/hstat/hssp/pages/234lbw.html)