Hi there,
300 People marched in the first Vermont Pride March in 1983. As one of the founders of that march, I am looking for the other 299 brave marchers.
Were you one of them?
June 25 marks the 39th anniversary of the Lesbian and Gay Pride March and Celebration. The Vermont Agency of Historic Preservation has forged an Historic Marker to
commemorate the courage of the original marchers and the many in our State who have sustained our ongoing Pride movement.
The Pride Center of Vermont is sponsoring the Historic marker installation with a celebration in City Hall Park, in Burlington, on June 26, 2022.
We want to know if you attended the original event. Can you remember who else was there? Do you have any photos or memorabilia?
Even if you did not attend the original march, we hope you will join us to celebrate!!
We want to get the word out far and wide!
We want to spread the word far and wide!!!
Pass it along!
Please reply to me, Leah Wittenberg, at leahwitt19@gmail.com, or to the Pride Center at
Watch the Pride Center Website and Calendar
for updates on the June 26th Event.
Thanks, Leah